"This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit..." (Romans 5:5)

Becoming the best version of yourself is within reach.

There’s more to life than simply running around—constantly exhausted and frustrated.  The depth you seek and the purpose you desire can be found, refined, and embraced.  Best of all, the change can be become sustainable.   

Marriage Retreat

Hopwells Marriage Retreats restore hope to a marriage that is in crisis.  Retreats are private; it includes the couple and the counselor only. 
We focus on effective conflict resolution and communication so that the couple is prepared to continue to work on their marriage after the retreat.  Follow up and ongoing support are available. 

Couples Maintenance

  • 6 Month Minimum Requirement
  • $75 per month, $40 Initiation Fee
  • One 45 Minute Call Per Month
  • One 50 Minute In-Person Session Per Month
  • Temperament Survey
  • 10% off any of our Wellness Programs or Services

Individual Maintenance

  • 6 Month Minimum Requirement
  • $65 Per Month, $25 Initiation Fee
  • One 20 Minute Call Per Month
  • One 30 Minute In-Person Session Per Month
  • Temperament Counseling
  • 10% off any of our Wellness Programs or Services